TRON: L’héritage

TRON : L’héritage est une aventure en 3D dont l’action se déroule dans un monde virtuel. Le film est une suite au premier volet de TRON réalisé en 1982. Sam Flynn, le fils de Kevin Flynn, enquête sur la disparition de son père et se retrouve aspiré dans le monde virtuel où son père vit depuis 25 ans. Tous les deux s’engagent dans un périple désespéré pour fuir ce monde virtuel, à travers un cyber univers époustouflant visuellement, devenu plus avancé technologiquement et plus dangereux que jamais.TRON : L’héritage est un vrai délice pour les adeptes de la première mouture de TRON, ainsi que pour les gens, comme moi, qui n’ont pas vu le premier TRON! Je ne savais pas trop à quoi m’attendre étant donné que je n’avais pas vu le premier volet, mais n’ayez crainte car l’intrigue se déploie de telle sorte qu’il est facile pour le spectateur de comprendre ce qui se passe dans le film.
Dès le début du film, le spectateur est plongé dans l’action et le suspens. L’histoire de TRON tourne autour des thèmes de la lutte et de la destruction dans un cyber-univers qui ravit l’auditoire. On ne s’ennuie jamais dans ce film.
Une des plus grandes qualités du film réside dans les effets spéciaux et les éléments graphiques de l’œuvre. Le film tire réellement avantage des effets spectaculaires et les amplifie, notamment dans le monde virtuel, créé surtout à l’aide d’images générées par ordinateur, et dans les scènes de combat élaborées qui se déroulent dans la Grille. La musique de Daft Punk se greffe à merveille à la trame du film avec ses sonorités électro/transe, et rehausse la sensation qui se dégage du monde virtuel et l’atmosphère de la Grille en donnant presque l’impression au spectateur d’être à l’intérieur du monde virtuel de TRON.TRON est un film qui s’adresse aux personnes de tous âges. Les thèmes abordés dans TRON sont suffisamment sérieux pour être appréciés par un public adulte mais, surtout, ne font pas étalage de sang et de violence, ce qui en ferait un film déconseillé pour les adolescents et les enfants. Une belle soirée au cinéma pour toute la famille!
TRON : L’héritage est un film que j’ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à regarder à cause de l’action, de l’intrigue, des effets spéciaux et de la musique! Le film ne contenait aucune scène de tabagisme. Il va sans dire que TRON est un excellent film où l’usage du tabac était inutile, et qu’il est probablement bien meilleur que la version qui comportait des scènes de tabagisme.

Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort, 1re partie

Dans ce septième film de la série culte des aventures d’Harry Potter, Harry doit partir à la recherche des Horcruxes et trouver un moyen de les détruire tous.Genre de film :Action, Aventure, Fantastique, Mystère, Film pour la familleClassement : PGDate de sortie : Vendredi 19 novembre 2010Distribution : Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter, Ralph FiennesRéalisateur : David YatesUsage de tabac : Il n’y pas d’usage de tabac dans ce filmCritique du filmJ’ai pour ainsi dire adoré chaque minute de ce film. Tous ceux et celles que je connais et qui ont regardé le film étaient pâmés. C’est un film qu’on regarde assis sur le bout de notre siège tout le long, dans l’attente de ce qui va se produire. Je veux mentionner aussi que la salle de cinéma était pleine à craquer de personnes de tous les âges!Ce film nous tient constamment en haleine, car on a toujours hâte de voir ce que vont faire Harry, Hermione et Ron. La cinématographie et les éléments graphiques sont également très réussis. Tout dans ce film est absolument phénoménal. J’ai beaucoup apprécié aussi le fait qu’on divise le septième tome d’Harry Potter en deux films. Ce film-ci n’est que la première partie d’Harry Potter et les reliques de la mort. La bonne nouvelle c’est qu’en échelonnant cette aventure sur deux films, le réalisateur peut aller plus en détail dans l’histoire.La seule chose que j’ai moins aimé de ce film, c’est qu’il me faisait sursauter à tout moment. Comme un rien me fait peur, on peut dire que beaucoup de passages du film m’ont fait sursauter. En dehors de cela, je n’ai vraiment rien à reprocher au film.En réalité, ce film présente un message beaucoup plus positif du fait qu’on n’y voit aucune image de tabagisme. Les personnages principaux ont à peu près 17 ans et il serait très mal vu de les montrer en train de fumer, car ce comportement devrait être inacceptable à cet âge. L’absence de scènes de tabagisme dans le film n’enlève rien à la qualité du film non plus. En fait, comme cet élément n’était même pas nécessaire dans l’histoire, personne n’a remarqué l’absence de cigarettes dans ce film.


Megamind, une production de DreamWorks Animation, est un film très divertissant à regarder en famille. Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill et Will Ferrell prêtent leur voix aux personnages principaux du film. Cet excellent film, qui combine animation et humour, saura plaire autant aux adultes qu’aux enfants.L’action se déroule dans la ville de Metro City, où Metro Man et Megamind s’affrontent. Le film s’inspire de la voix de Megamind, qui nous entraîne avec lui dans une aventure où le bien rencontre le mal. Metro Man est le héros de la ville, celui qui vole toujours au secours des citoyens dans le besoin. Megamind, au contraire, personnifie le méchant qui cherche par tous les moyens à anéantir Metro Man, sans jamais réussir. La relation entre les deux personnages est influencée par leur histoire commune, et le passé refait surface au moment où le combat entre les deux protagonistes ne fait que s’envenimer. Megamind (Will Ferrell) finit par remporter la victoire en tuant Metro Man (Brad Pitt). Mais il commence à s’ennuyer profondément maintenant qu’il n’a plus personne à combattre. Pour régler ce problème, il crée un nouveau super héros, Titan. Au lieu d’utiliser ses pouvoirs pour faire le bien, ce dernier les emploie à détruire la ville, forçant ainsi Megamind à jouer un rôle qu’il ne pensait jamais tenir dans sa vie, celui du bon gars.Genre de film : Film d’animation, Film pour la famille, ComédieClassement : PGDate de sortie : 5 novembre 2010Distribution : Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, Will FerrellRéalisateur : Tom McGrathStudio : DreamWorks AnimationUsage de tabac : Aucun usage de tabacCritique du film            Ce film est très amusant et je crois que les parents vont l’aimer autant que les enfants. Il contient des scènes remplies d’humour en plus de donner quelques leçons de vie aux petits comme aux grands.


Household pet Rango the chameleon accidentally finds himself in the town of Dirt, a town in crisis in the Wild West. With his fresh start, Rango begins a journey to save the town and discovers his own identity along the way.Movie genre:Animation/Action/Adventure/ComedyRated:PGOpening date:  March 4th, 2010Starring:Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher, Timothy Oliphant and Abigail BreslinDirector:Gore VerbinskiTobacco use:At least 60 instances – there were too many to count!  On a side note, the only other animated film with this amount of smoking is 101 Dalmatians.Movie ReviewThis was a fun movie to watch and enjoyable for young and old. The animations were well done and the Western soundtrack was catchy.  It was fun to watch the characters develop in the scenes of romance, comedy, action and adventure.  The overall message is positive, and the story was entertaining. I would recommend the movie to facilitate discussion about Smoking in Movies. I couldn’t believe the effort it took to animate scenes with cigarettes in them, and for what purpose?  I was reminded of the smoking scenes 101 Dalmatians and seeing them again in Rango was even more realistic.  I thought about all the other animated movies that managed to create believable villains without relying on tobacco use.  I went to the movie with a friend, and interestingly he did not notice many of the scenes with tobacco use.  He knew that I was there to review the smoking scenes in the movie, and yet he would still be surprised when I bumped his elbow and said, “There’s another one!”  I think that just emphasizes how smoking in movies can still affect the viewer without them being consciously aware that it is occurring. With that said, it could be argued that smoking in the Wild West was historically accurate, but in my opinion it was not crucial to the plot.  As a children’s movie especially, I do not think viewers need to see villains smoking to emphasize that they are the antagonists.I was disappointed with the high incidence of smoking and tobacco use in this film.  Considering the link between smoking in movies and youth tobacco use, I think that the rating for this movie should have been much higher than PG. This is an animated children’s movie, smoking did not need to be included in the first place.


Ali, a small-town girl with big dreams, ventures to Los Angeles and falls in love with The Burlesque Lounge.  She works her way in by waiting tables and eventually catches the attention of the owner, Tess, with her amazing vocals.   The Lounge has a new star, but jealousy, financial troubles and the pressure to sell to a local businessman threaten the future of the club and the careers of the dancers.
Movie genre:Musical/Drama/Romance
Opening date:November 24th, 2010
Starring:Christina Aguilera, Cher, Alan Cumming, Stanley Tucci & Eric Dane
Director:Steve Antin
Tobacco use:2 brief scenes
Movie Review
I would not recommend this movie to anyone who doesn’t like musicals.  You’d have to really, really love musicals and then I MAY go as far as to recommend that you rent this movie.
This movie gets points for giving me goose bumps from Christina Aguilera’s voice. Girl’s got PIPES!  Somewhat catchy music and the charming bartender/roommate/love interest of Christina made the movie more bearable as well. 
However, Christina Aguilera although can sing, she can’t really act.  There were too many cheesy moments where I felt awkward watching this movie.  At times it was laugh-out-loud cheesy and audience members were laughing at failed attempts at ‘flirtation’.  Also, the transitions from one scene to the next were choppy and killed the flow of the storyline.
Kristen Bell (as Nikki) and Stanley Tucci (as Sean) are both secondary characters who were smoking in the film.  In both scenes where there was smoking I was thinking to myself, HOW RANDOM!  Each character had only ONE smoking scene and I felt surprised both times (Oh?  She/He smokes now?).  I felt like the directors were trying to convey that the characters were very anxious in each situation, and instead of relying on good acting they felt it was necessary to use a cigarette!  Come on!

The Green Hornet

Britt Reid (Seth Rogen) is the party-loving, womanizing son of a wealthy newspaper editor. When his father dies, Britt is shocked back to reality when he realizes that while his father spent his life exposing corruption, he is simply wasting his potential. Embarking on a journey with his partner Kato (Jay Chou), Britt declares war on the gangsters of Los Angeles by becoming a masked hero, THE GREEN HORNET!
Movie genre:Superhero Action-Comedy
Opening date:January 14, 2011
Starring:Seth Rogen, Jay Chou, Christopher Waltz, Cameron Diaz
Director:Michael Gondry
Tobacco Use:After their successful stoppage of the mugging of a couple, Britt and Kato celebrate with scotch and cigars. This is the only prominent use of tobacco in the film.
Movie Review
“The Green Hornet” is an entertaining film with equal parts action and comedy that made me want a sidekick. While I had doubts about Seth Rogen taking on a heroic role, he makes it his own by not attempting to be Batman in green. Jay Chou provides most of the duo’s fighting skills, putting a spin on the traditional hero-sidekick dynamic with the partner doing most of the work rather than the main character.
For all its entertainment value, I felt the film lacked a compelling villain, a threat that could elevate Britt’s exploits to something more than thrashing street thugs. While he does take on a truly heroic motive in the movie’s last act, which again twists the traditional “father dies, must avenge” idea (Lion King, Batman) into something almost original, the movie could have benefited from a more confident lead gangster and a more serious, more sinister primary antagonist.
 “The Green Hornet” does well for a January movie. But at any other time in the year, it’s a rental, the kind of movie you’d watch to make a dull night fun. Wait for it on DVD/Blu-Ray, unless you really need something to take the edge off winter.
In terms of smoking in the movie, Britt engages in a celebratory cigar back at his mansion after his and Kato’s first late-night crime bust. The presence of a solitary cigar could have easily been removed from the film but was used for comedic purposes.

No Strings Attached

No Strings Attached is about two friends who run into each other after many years and mutually decide to turn their relationship in to “friends with benefits”. But when real affection starts to take root, their relationship gets complicated.
Movie genre:Comedy, Romance
Opening date:Friday January 21 2011
Starring:Natalie Portman, Ashton Kutcher and Kevin Kline
Director: Ivan Reitman
Tobacco use:Tobacco was used twice in the movie
Movie Review
I wouldn’t recommend this movie since I feel that it is inappropriate on so many different levels. The only thing I liked about this movie is how the two main characters end up together.
I don’t think that smoking in the movie was necessary. I think that it was pointless to the story and that it was added to make the movie more appealing to a younger audience

TRON: Legacy

TRON: LEGACY is a 3D high-tech adventure set in a digital world that sequel the first TRON movie made in 1982. Sam Flynn, son of Kevin Flynn looks into his father’s disappearance and finds himself pulled into the digital world of Tron where his father has been living for 25 years. Soon after father and son embark on a life-and-death journey of escape across a visually-stunning cyber universe that has become far more advanced and exceedingly dangerous
Movie genre: Action , Adventure, Mystery & Suspense, Science Fiction
Rated: PG
Opening date: Dec 17, 2010
Starring: Garrett Hedlund,  Jeff Bridges, Olivia Wilde
Director: Joseph Kosinski
Tobacco use: Not used in the movie
Movie Review:
TRON: Legacy is a real treat for fans of the first TRON, as well as people who have not seen the first TRON film such as myself! I wasn’t too sure what to expect since I did not see the first movie, but rest assured the storyline progressed in a manner which made it easy for the viewer to understand what was occurring in the film. From the start of the movie, we are relatively immersed in a lot of action and suspense. TRON revolves around a large amount of cyber destruction and fighting which is very enjoyable for the audience, never a dull minute. One of the most prominent qualities of the film was the degree of special effects and graphics. The film really utilizes and accentuates on the spectacular effects. This ranges from the digital world which was mainly comprised of computer generated images, to the elaborate fight scenes within the Grid. The film features music from Daft Punk which complements the movie with Electro/Trance music. This ultimately enhances the feeling of the digital world and the atmosphere of the Grid, which inadvertently makes you feel like you’re almost inside the digital world of TRON. TRON is a movie that appeals to people of all ages. The themes within TRON are mature enough for adults to appreciate, but more importantly does not contain the gore and violence that excludes teens and kids to partake in watching. A fun night out for the whole family! TRON: LEGACY was a pleasure to watch because of the action, storyline, effects, and music! There was no smoking in the film. Regardless to say, TRON was an excellent film which did not need smoking, and potentially a much better counterpart than the one which included smoking.

Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows Part 1

In this seventh film of these much-loved Harry Potter movies, Harry must somehow find and destroy all of the horcruxes the immorality
Movie genre:
Action, Adventure, Family, Fantasy, Mystery
Rated: PG
Opening date: Friday, November 19th, 2010
Starring: Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint, Emma Watson, Alan Rickman, Helena Bonham Carter,
Ralph Fiennes
Director: David Yates
Tobacco use: Not used in the movie
Movie Review
I loved practically every moment of it. Everyone who I know that has watched the movie has been in love with it. Every part of the movie has you at the edge of the seat waiting to see what happens next. Also, the movie theatre was full with people in all different age groups!
The movie just always had me going and wanting to see what Harry, Hermione & Ron wanted to do next. Also, the graphics and the filming of the movie was so well done. Everything was absolutely phenomenal. Something else done very well was the fact that they are splitting the 7th Harry Potter book into two movies. This is just Part 1 of the Deathly Hallows and the good thing is that they can go into more detail about the adventure that took place.
The only one thing I did not like too much about the film was how jumpy it made me. I get freaked out quite easily so many parts did make me jump. Other than that, there are no complaints.
The reality is that the no smoking made it a much more positive movie. The main characters are about 17 years old in the film and if they showed them smoking that would be very inappropriate due to the fact that it should be unacceptable at that age. The fact that there was no smoking did not do anything negative for the film. It was something that was not even needed in the film so since it was not used no one even noticed it.
4 out of 5 popcorn bags


Megamind, by DreamWorks Animation, is a great, fun filled, family movie.  Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill and Will Ferrell make their appearances in the movie as the main characters.  This is a great family movie, with comedy and animation as a bonus.  It’s a family pleaser that both adults and kids will enjoy.
Megamind takes place in Metro City where the struggle between Metroman and Megamind takes place.  The movie is inspired by the voice of Megamind, as he takes us through his journey where good meets evil.  Metroman is the cities hero, always at the aid of the citizens whenever needed.  On the other hand, Megamind is a villain who is constantly trying to overthrow Metroman, but never succeeding.  Both characters have a history with each other, that formed their present relationship.  The past comes into play, when their struggles only get worse.  Megamind (Will Ferrell) is finally successful when he kills Metroman (Brad Pitt).  He becomes very bored as there is no one for him to fight.  To solve this problem, he creates a new superhero; Titan.  Instead of using his powers for good, he instead uses them to destroy the city forcing Megamind to become the only thing he never thought he would be; the good guy.
Movie genre: Animation, Family, Comedy
Rated: PG
Opening date: November 5th 2010
Starring: Brad Pitt, Tina Fey, Jonah Hill, Will Ferrell
Director: Tom McGrath
Studio: DreamWorks Animation
Tobacco use: No tobacco use J
Movie Review           
This was a fun, family movie and I think both parents and kids will enjoy this movie. It has it’s humerus moments and teaches kids and well as adults some lessons about life and such.
The animation really brings the characters to life.  The characters are all unique and all have their own take on the struggle between good and evil. The movie itself was also very unique.  I liked the tad bit of comedy in the movie, there was some funny scenes. I also liked the lessons the movie taught the audience. Megamind is such a neat character from his funky costumes to his weird personality and his “blue” look. 
The trailer made it look hilarious, when in fact there were just small parts of comedy. Overall, I really enjoyed watching the movie and definitely recommend taking the family out to watch.